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KONOPÁSEK, Z. & ŘÍHA, C. (2024): Letáčky [Leaflets]. In: E. Fulínová & A. Kvíčalová, ed: Antropocennosti: Malý průvodce světem antropocénu [Matters of Anthropocene: A small guide to the world of Anthropocene]. Praha: Academia. Pp. 73-83

The leaflets of the PLA are not an Anthropocene icon, but they tell us about this phenomenon. They show that we are not only living in a time of destruction of nature, landscapes and cultural monuments, but also of unprecedented protection measures. It is not just a matter of action and reaction. It is not just the number of protected specimens and sites that is expanding, but also the types of things that are being protected. At the same time, the question of what we are actually protecting and from whom is becoming more urgent. The Anthropocene is not only the physical state of the contemporary world, but also the way we talk about it. Its characteristics include both the fact that we increasingly think of it in general terms, in terms of protection and regulation, and what specifically is the focus of this protection.

KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2024): Věda a politika, vpravo, vlevo [Science and politics, right, left]. Sociální studia, 21 (1): 33-38. Available at https://doi.org/10.5817/SOC2023-33647


[In Czech only]

PRACH, J. / KONOPÁSEK, Z. / ŘÍHA, C. (2023): Jak stavět v krajině: Návrh webové aplikace na podporu usměrňování stavební činnosti v CHKO [Constructing in landscape: Proposal of a web application to support the regulation of construction activities in the PLA]. Ochrana přírody, 78 (6): 26-29. Available at (in Czech): https://www.casopis.ochranaprirody.cz/


Regulation of construction in protected areas with the aim of preserving the landscape character is an important agenda of nature protection authorities. The agenda causes a number of tensions between the citizen-builder and the authority. In the article, we present the results of the TAČR project, introduced two years ago. One of the outputs of the project is a web application, which is to reflect, in a context-sensitive manner and in an accessible form, the local qualities of the landscape character and issuing principles of protection. Its data are based on Preventive Landscape Evaluation Studies, which are elaborated and regularly updated for individual PLAs. The web interface allows to generate a printable document tailored to users needs. The application should contribute to a better articulated approach to the regulation - an approach that is differentiated and understandable for all participants.

KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2022): Konopásek kontra Latour: Barša má vidiny pistolníků a z vlastních kvérů se mu ještě kouří [Konopásek versus Latour: Barša has visions of gunslingers and his own guns are still smoking]. Zdeněk Konopásek's Blog, 14. 8. 2022. Available at http://zdenek.konopasek.net/index.php?m=16&b=16&i=4368


KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2022): Religion in action: How Marian apparitions may become true. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 12 (1): 170–183


According to Latour, religion and science have nothing in common. The two are successful (or failing) in quite different ways. Religiousness is not aimed at fact-making, but at presence-making, he says. To critically reconsider these ideas, I discuss the case study of Marian apparitions in Litmanová. The study suggests a more complicated picture by not focusing on pure and ready-made religion, but rather on religion in the making, a kind of “almost-religion.” It shows how the reality of apparitions, initially of quite unclear status, was becoming more and more religious. Fact-making and fact-checking clearly belonged to this trajectory and have never stopped being relevant. Nonethless, together with how the apparition was progressively becoming truly religious (or religiously true), Latourian presence-making was gaining in importance.

DRÁPAL, V. / KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2021): Zdeněk Konopásek Doktor Konopný (an interview of Vladimír Drápal with Zdeněk Konopásek). Magazín UNI, 12/2021. Available at: https://www.magazinuni.cz/hudba/zdenek-konopasek-doktor-konopny/

Interview conducted by Vladimír "Lábus" Drápal from Guerilla Records - mainly about the band Dvouletá fáma (established exactly 40 years ago), but also about other musical projects of Zdeněk Konopásek.

ŘÍHA, C. / KONOPÁSEK, Z. / PRACH, J. / OBERMAJER, J. (2021): Jak stavět v CHKO: Od předpisu k praxi [Construction activities in Protected Landscape Areas: From legislation to practice]. Ochrana přírody, 76 (4): 41-45. Available at (in Czech): https://www.casopis.ochranaprirody.cz/


The mission of protected landscape areas (PLA) is not only to protect nature, but also to preserve the values of the landscape. Landscape is affected, among others, by the appearance of settlements. It is therefore a matter of regulating the construction and development of municipalities in such a way that local historical and cultural habits are respected. In short, the landscape should keep the local feel, which is comfortable for both residents and visitors. The question remains how to serve this public interest most effectively and at the same time so that the regulation is seen as a welcome service of the state. The article marks the first phase of an applied research project in which we, a team of sociologists, urban planners, architects and conservationists, are interested in "how decision-making is made," i.e., the trajectory from prescription to application in practice, and how to improve the status quo.

KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2020): Existence na mnoho způsobů: Vejde se do tabulky? [Existence multiple: How does it fit in the table?]. Biograf, 71-72: 93-104

An inquiry into modes of existence: An anthropology of the moderns (AIME) is an important recent book by Bruno Latour, published in 2013. It presents yet another attempt at explaining Latour’s sociological or anthropological approach, connected to so called actor-network theory (ANT). The book seeks to correct misunderstandings about this increasingly popular approach and pave the way for more "diplomatic" negotiations on what we as researchers try to say about the world. Without the context of Latour's all life's work, this book is not always easy to understand. That is why, to offer an outline of the AIME’s argument, I start with a brief review of this context. At the end of the paper, I come with a critical discussion. I suggest that the concept of modes of existence, as it is presented in the book, seems diverted from the former Latour’s sensitivity toward reality “in action”. Thanks to the AIME book, one can perhaps understand the differences between the imagined modes of existence, but it remains somewhat unclear and, in fact, invisible how they eventually become more or less distinct in practice, i.e., how issues become (or not) political, religious or scientific. Instead, in AIME, the world as if turns into rows and columns of a table.

POKORNÝ, P. & KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2020): We are all in the thick of it: A dialogue about climate change science, politics and activism. In: A. Vondra, ed: Must environmentalism be alarmist? Searching for realistic answers. Brno: Books & Pipes. Pp. 27-69

Two colleagues, paleoecologist and sociologist, talk about broader contexts of scientific doubting about contemporary climate policies.

POKORNÝ, P. & KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2020): Lítáme v tom - II.: Dialog o klimatu na pomezí vědy, politiky a aktivismu [We are all in the thick of it: A dialogue about climate change - science, politics and activism - II.]. Kontexty, 12 (6): 15-24 (reprinted from A. Vondra, ed: Musí být ekologie alarmistická? [Does ecology have to be alarmist?)

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