Zdeněk Konopásek, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology

As academic sociologist, I am interested in ambiguous and complex relationships between science, technology and politics. I have also written about communist power and auto/biographies (both as sociological data and as subject of study). Years ago, I was involved in a study of social policy and of welfare state institutions. I do not work with questionnaires and statistical data; rather, I rely on so called qualitative data – documents, personal accounts, life narratives, observations, etc. Too “big” and abstract sociological questions seem suspicious to me. I prefer detailed investigations of particular cases, controversies or situations, approached from multiple participants’ perspectives (this is not subjectivism, but rather a kind of meticulous realism).

Besides sociology, I enjoy doing and listening music. And, occasionally, I mention some other activities on this web site. All this mixed together can be viewed in a synoptic view or separately in particular thematic sections. These can be accessed by the menu in the top or directly:

Everything together:

Coming events

Nothing planed now...
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Latest publications

KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2024): Ať spolu vědci dál nesouhlasí [Let us not ask the scientists to speak in a single voice]. In: Š. Kučera, ed: Jen další konec světa: 33 rozhovorů o antropocénu, "věku člověka", vedl Štěpán Kučera [Just another end of the world: 33 inteviews about anthropocene, lead by Štěpán Kučera]. Brno: Druhé město. Str. 116-122

book chapter

KONOPÁSEK, Z. & ŘÍHA, C. (2024): Letáčky [Leaflets]. In: E. Fulínová & A. Kvíčalová, ed: Antropocennosti: Malý průvodce světem antropocénu [Matters of Anthropocene: A small guide to the world of Anthropocene]. Praha: Academia. Pp. 73-83

book chapter

KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2024): Věda a politika, vpravo, vlevo [Science and politics, right, left]. Sociální studia, 21 (1): 33-38. Available at

Scientific paper
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Osobní stránky Zdeňka Konopáska -, technická realizace Jakub Konopásek ©