KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2024): Ať spolu vědci dál nesouhlasí [Let us not ask the scientists to speak in a single voice]. In: Š. Kučera, ed: Jen další konec světa: 33 rozhovorů o antropocénu, "věku člověka", vedl Štěpán Kučera [Just another end of the world: 33 inteviews about anthropocene, lead by Štěpán Kučera]. Brno: Druhé město. Str. 116-122
::::KONOPÁSEK, Z. & ŘÍHA, C. (2024): Letáčky [Leaflets]. In: E. Fulínová & A. Kvíčalová, ed: Antropocennosti: Malý průvodce světem antropocénu [Matters of Anthropocene: A small guide to the world of Anthropocene]. Praha: Academia. Pp. 73-83
::::KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2024): Věda a politika, vpravo, vlevo [Science and politics, right, left]. Sociální studia, 21 (1): 33-38. Available at https://doi.org/10.5817/SOC2023-33647
::::[In Czech only]
PRACH, J. / KONOPÁSEK, Z. / ŘÍHA, C. (2023): Jak stavět v krajině: Návrh webové aplikace na podporu usměrňování stavební činnosti v CHKO [Constructing in landscape: Proposal of a web application to support the regulation of construction activities in the PLA]. Ochrana přírody, 78 (6): 26-29. Available at (in Czech): https://www.casopis.ochranaprirody.cz/
::::Regulation of construction in protected areas with the aim of preserving the landscape character is an important agenda of nature protection authorities. The agenda causes a number of tensions between the citizen-builder and the authority. In the article, we present the results of the TAČR project, introduced two years ago. One of the outputs of the project is a web application, which is to reflect, in a context-sensitive manner and in an accessible form, the local qualities of the landscape character and issuing principles of protection. Its data are based on Preventive Landscape Evaluation Studies, which are elaborated and regularly updated for individual PLAs. The web interface allows to generate a printable document tailored to users needs. The application should contribute to a better articulated approach to the regulation - an approach that is differentiated and understandable for all participants.
KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2023): Globální uhlíková daň ladem ležící: K politickému rozměru tzv. nepolitických řešení [A Global Carbon Tax Idling: Towards the Political Dimension of So-Called Non-Political Solutions]. Vesmír, 102 (6)
::::One of the proposals for solving the climate crisis is a global carbon tax. At first glance, it looks like a miraculously simple and self-sufficient tool. Yet it attracts surprisingly little attention. This is so (among other things) because it is being not only promoted but also constructed as a purely non-political solution. Since people are often tempted to prefer what is declared as non-political solutions, characteristically under the pressure of existential threat and with support in scientific argumentation, it is worthwhile to examine the case of the GUD global carbon tax in more detail.
KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2022): Konopásek kontra Latour: Barša má vidiny pistolníků a z vlastních kvérů se mu ještě kouří [Konopásek versus Latour: Barša has visions of gunslingers and his own guns are still smoking]. Zdeněk Konopásek's Blog, 14. 8. 2022. Available at http://zdenek.konopasek.net/index.php?m=16&b=16&i=4368
::::ŘÍHA, C. / KONOPÁSEK, Z. / PRACH, J. / OBERMAJER, J. (2021): Jak stavět v CHKO: Od předpisu k praxi [Construction activities in Protected Landscape Areas: From legislation to practice]. Ochrana přírody, 76 (4): 41-45. Available at (in Czech): https://www.casopis.ochranaprirody.cz/
::::The mission of protected landscape areas (PLA) is not only to protect nature, but also to preserve the values of the landscape. Landscape is affected, among others, by the appearance of settlements. It is therefore a matter of regulating the construction and development of municipalities in such a way that local historical and cultural habits are respected. In short, the landscape should keep the local feel, which is comfortable for both residents and visitors. The question remains how to serve this public interest most effectively and at the same time so that the regulation is seen as a welcome service of the state. The article marks the first phase of an applied research project in which we, a team of sociologists, urban planners, architects and conservationists, are interested in "how decision-making is made," i.e., the trajectory from prescription to application in practice, and how to improve the status quo.
KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2021): Ať spolu vědci dál nesouhlasí - rozhovor se Štěpánem Kučerou [Let us not ask the scientists to speak in a single voice - an interview with Štěpán Kučera]. Právo, Salon, 28. 1. 2021. Available at Novinky.cz
::::KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2017): Lítáme v tom, někteří beznadějně: Odpověď na recenzi Radka Kubaly [We are all in the thick of it: Some of us quite hopelessly]. Zdeněk Konopásek's blog, 22. 12. 2020. Available at http://zdenek.konopasek.net/index.php?m=16&i=4138&b=16
::::POKORNÝ, P. & KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2020): We are all in the thick of it: A dialogue about climate change science, politics and activism. In: A. Vondra, ed: Must environmentalism be alarmist? Searching for realistic answers. Brno: Books & Pipes. Pp. 27-69