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KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2000): What is SAMISEBE? In: Z. Konopásek, ed.: Our lives as database: Doing a sociology of ourselves - Czech social transitions in autobiographical research dialogues. Praha: Karolinum. Str. 29-56
KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2000): SAMISEBE: Our lives as database. In: Z. Konopásek, ed.: Our lives as database: Doing a sociology of ourselves - Czech social transitions in autobiographical research dialogues. Praha: Karolinum. Str. 11-26
KONOPÁSEK, Z., ed. (2000): Our lives as database: Doing a sociology of ourselves - Czech social transitions in autobiographical research dialogues. Praha: Karolinum. 302 s.
DISMAN, M. / KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2000): Introduction to the SAMISEBE narratives. In: Z. Konopásek, ed.: Our lives as database: Doing a sociology of ourselves - Czech social transitions in autobiographical research dialogues. Praha: Karolinum. Str. 175-177
KONOPÁSEK, Z. / KUSÁ, Z. (1999): Budovanie komunistickej moci a bezmocnosti. Sociológia, 31 (5): 459-480
This paper turns attention to the period of state socialism. Its aim is to suggest and illustrate a theoretical and analytical framework for making the communists" power problematic from sociological point of view. We would like to promote such a perspective in which the power of communists is not taken - explicitly or implicitly - as something that explains the logic of life under the communist regime; rather, on the contrary, we present it as something that needs to be explained. As such, our approach is inspired by contemporary sociology of science, above all by authors such as Bruno Latour and John Law whose effort is in many respects similar to ours. After a theoretical outline of the approach, we perform its modest practical illustration. We use short extracts from two biographical narratives for an analysis of one particular situation in which the communist power played an important role: the political screenings that followed the military invasion into Czechoslovakia at the end of so called Prague Spring. The screenings are interpreted, in this analytical sketch, as "trials of strength" as well as "real transformations" both of the communist regime itself and all its actors. Above all, we focus on the moments when somebody or something was transformed into a fulcrum, an indisputable and stable entity, or, on the other hand, into a questionable, not-quite-real, because negotiable and reversible network of relations. These moments help us to show the heterogeneous and often surprisingly subtle sources of the political power that constituted state socialism and made it durable.
KONOPÁSEK, Z. (1999): Kvalitativní rušno. Biograf, (20): 67-75
KONOPÁSEK, Z. (1999): Horníci a problém prostředí: ideologie, ekologie, sociologie. Biograf (20): 85-97
Recenze knihy: MUSIL, L. (1999): Těžba uhlí, problém prostředí, modernita: jak ovlivnila ekologická výzva organizaci jedné ostravské šachty. Brno: Masarykova univerzita & Georgetown University
KONOPÁSEK, Z. (1999): V čem spočívá "pravda" opoziční smlouvy? 2 s. [Nepublikovaný rukopis článku pro noviny]
V tomto nikdy nevydaném krátkém textu pro noviny rozebírám tzv. Opoziční smlouvu mezi ODS a ČSSD z let 1998-2002 (vizční_smlouva). V duchu teorie-sítí aktérů rozbíjím představu této smlouvy jako nějakého hotového textu, který určil politickou atmosféru v zemi. Upozorňuji také na falešnou představu, že problém je v tom, že toho o dělané politice víme příliš málo; je to myslím naopak. Tváří v tvář mediální vševědoucnosti (na jejímž vytváření se politici sami podílejí) je podle mne nesmírně obtížné nejen uspět, ale i selhat. Udělali jsme si o Opoziční smlouvě určitý obraz a tím poměřujeme vše, co se jí týká. Nebereme pak opravdu vážně, co jednotliví aktéři teď a tady říkají nebo dělají. "Pravdu" opoziční smlouvy spatřujeme v papíru, co kdysi podepsalo několik straníků, a nikoli v myriádách provizorních a lokálních realizací (přepisů, překladů) toho textu.
KONOPÁSEK, Z. (1999): Od Černé knihy k černé skříňce: komunismus relativizujícíma očima. Biograf (18-19): 3-24
This paper proposes a sociology of state socialism. It does so by discussing the place of state socialism within the debates on modernity and postmodernity and reassessing the possibilities of so-called biographical research in the field of post-communist studies. The paper also outlines a theoretical and analytical framework for making the communists[a] power problematic from a sociological point of view. Such a perspective suggests that the power of the communists is not taken - explicitly or implicitly - as something that naturally explains the logic of life under the communist regime; on the contrary, it is presented as something that needs to be explained. As such, this approach is inspired by contemporary sociology of science, particularly by the work of Bruno Latour. In doing so, the paper hopes to achieve one important side-effect, namely to (re)establish the phenomena of state socialism as a topic worthy of general sociological attention.
KONOPÁSEK, Z. (1999): Úvod k pěti studiím o auto/biografiích. In: Z. Konopásek, ed.: Otevřená minulost: autobiografická sociologie státního socialismu. Praha: Karolinum. Str. 53-56