
My public appearances in the past and future (as far as I can see): lectures, conference speeches, workshops, concerts, performances, petanque tournaments... sociology, music and other stuff, all in one.
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20. 1. 2000 ::::

Vizita: Archa Theatre, Praha

theatrical performance

Jaroslav Dušek (speaking, acting, dancing, singing), Pjér Lašéz (bass, guitar, singing, speaking), Zdeněk Konopásek (drums, percussion, trumpet), Viktor Zborník (lights).

16. 12. 1999 ::::

Vizita: Archa Theatre, Praha

theatrical performance

Jaroslav Dušek (speaking, acting, dancing, singing), Pjér Lašéz (bass, guitar, singing, speaking), Zdeněk Konopásek (drums, percussion, trumpet), Viktor Zborník (lights).

15. 12. 1999 ::::

Vizita: Archa Theatre, Praha

theatrical performance

Jaroslav Dušek (speaking, acting, dancing, singing), Pjér Lašéz (bass, guitar, singing, speaking), Zdeněk Konopásek (drums, percussion, trumpet), Viktor Zborník (lights).

15. 4. 1999 ::::

Zdeněk Konopásek: Co má společného studium komunismu se sociologií vědy? [What the study of communism has in common with sociology of science?]

Presentation at the first Slovak-Czech sociological conference, April 15-16 1999, Bratislava, Slovakia

18. 2. 1999 ::::

Zdeněk Konopásek: Making state socialism durable: Some preliminaries from a biographical research project

Presentation at the international conference "The division of Europe in biographical perspectives", February 17-21 1999, Technical University Berlin, Germany

5. 1. 1993 ::::

Kvartet dr. Konopného (Praha)

Concert at the Junior club Chmelnice (Koněvova 219, Praha 3); together with Fabrikanti

19. 11. 1990 ::::

Zdeněk Konopásek: Criteria of situations indicating social incomes: Standard of society or standard of individual life course?

Speech at the international conference "Social security, its development and perspectives", Praha, November 19-22, 1990

31. 10. 1989 ::::

Dvouletá fáma (Praha)

Junior Club Na Chmelnici

Lineup: Radomil Uhlíř - lyrics and vocals; Martin Vik - guitar and keyboards; Zdeněk Konopásek - drums.

12. 4. 1989 ::::

Dvouletá fáma (Sokolov)

Probably the last concert of the renewed and reshaped band in a small club in Sokolov

Lineup: Radomil Uhlíř - lyrics and vocals; Martin Vik - guitar and keyboards; Zdeněk Konopásek - drums; Josef "Ferda" Matoušek - bass.

23. 3. 1989 ::::

Dvouletá fáma (Praha)

Another concert of the renewed and reshaped band in the Junior Club Na Chmelnici (some of the songs were included as bonuses on a 2CD compilation released by BlackPoint; the entire concert is expected to be released in 2020 by the Guerilla Records.)

Lineup: Radomil Uhlíř - lyrics and vocals; Martin Vik - guitar and keyboards; Zdeněk Konopásek - drums; Josef "Ferda" Matoušek - bass.

31. 1. 1989 ::::

Dvouletá fáma (Praha)

Junior Club Na Chmelnici

Lineup: Radomil Uhlíř - lyrics and vocals; Martin Vik - guitar and keyboards; Zdeněk Konopásek - drums.

27. 1. 1989 ::::

Dvouletá fáma (Karlovy Vary)

M Klub

Lineup: Radomil Uhlíř - lyrics and vocals; Martin Vik - guitar and keyboards; Zdeněk Konopásek - drums.

29. 11. 1988 ::::

Dvouletá fáma (Praha)

Junior Club Na Chmelnici

Lineup: Radomil Uhlíř - lyrics and vocals; Martin Vik - guitar and keyboards; Zdeněk Konopásek - drums.

12. 6. 1988 ::::

Dvouletá fáma (Praha)

The first concert of the renewed and reshaped band (Vik, Konopasek & Uhlir) in the Junior Club Na Chmelnici (released on a cassette and then on a 2CD compilation by BlackPoint)

Lineup: Radomil Uhlíř - lyrics and vocals; Martin Vik - guitar and keyboards; Zdeněk Konopásek - drums.

19. 5. 1983 ::::

Dvouletá fáma (Olomouc)

Live in Olomouc

Lineup: Jana Macháčková - vocals; Martin Vik - guitar; Ivan Benda - bass; Zdeněk Konopásek - drums, vocals.

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Closest events/performances

23. 9. 2024 -

Vizita (Jičín)

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24. 9. 2024 -

Jaroslav Dušek: Four agreements (Voděrádky)

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25. 9. 2024 -

Jaroslav Dušek: Four agreements (Mikulov)

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Latest publications/recordings

KONOPÁSEK, Z. (2024): Ať spolu vědci dál nesouhlasí [Let us not ask the scientists to speak in a single voice]. In: Š. Kučera, ed: Jen další konec světa: 33 rozhovorů o antropocénu, "věku člověka", vedl Štěpán Kučera [Just another end of the world: 33 inteviews about anthropocene, lead by Štěpán Kučera]. Brno: Druhé město. Str. 116-122

book chapter

NOČNÍ PTÁK (2024): Prach [Dust]. Polí5

Digital album

ZDENĚK KONOPÁSEK & JAN ŠTOLBA (2024): Protoritual. Polí5

Digital album

See Works for more...

Osobní stránky Zdeňka Konopáska -, technická realizace Jakub Konopásek ©