My public appearances in the past and future (as far as I can see): lectures, conference speeches, workshops, concerts, performances, petanque tournaments... sociology, music and other stuff, all in one.
26. 9. 2001
:::: Zdeněk Konopásek & Zuzana Kusá: A plea for flexible politics of qualitative data archiving: The users' point of view
Presentation at the international conference "Institutions, interrelations, sequences: The Bremen life-course approach", September 26-28 2001, Bremen, Germany
Re-use of qualitative data can be seen as a very common practice. Almost every qualitative researcher engages in it, though usually not in a planned, explicit and systematic way. If we want to support more organized and methodical modes of data re-use (e.g., via the institution of data archives) we should try to understand this practice in all its diversity and complexity. In this paper we contribute to such an understanding by discussing some methodological, ethical and technical problems of secondary analysis from the users’ perspective. We do so in three steps. First, using examples from our long-term research work on the problem of communist power we describe some difficulties arising from shifted interpretive contexts of the data we worked with - those data had not originally been collected for our current purposes and by both of us. We show that and how the difficulties, related to secondary analysis in general, can be overcome (or even turned into advantages) by means of research collaboration between data providers and data re-users. Second, we complicate the picture a bit. We discuss diverse sources of possible reluctance, both on the side of the provider and on the side of the re-user, to engage in such collaboration. Third and finally, we make few summary remarks on data archives themselves. On the basis of previous discussions, we argue that if specialised data archives are to attract and make sense for the diverse and growing community of qualitative researchers they should allow, in their politics and designs, for a broad, open and flexible view of the data re-use.
theatrical performance
Dancing party: Jaroslav Dušek, Alan Vitouš, Marcel Bárta, Martin Zbrožek, René Pařez, Honzák, Lábus. Video and audio stream of the performance is available here:
10. 6. 2001
:::: Zdeněk Konopásek: Co je "public accountability"? [What is public accountability?]
Presentation at the 19th bi-annual workshop of CTS in Kravsko near Znojmo
theatrical performance
Jaroslav Dušek (speaking, acting, dancing, singing), Martin Zbrožek (singing, speaking, acting, playing violin), Zdeněk Konopásek (drums, percussion, trumpet), Viktor Zborník (lights).
12. 2. 2001
:::: Public discussion on "Political films - 1.: Czech society from the dramatic perspective of political events
Archa Theatre, Praha - panel discussion related to the documentary film of Jan Růžička and Jan Gogola
15. 1. 2001
:::: Zdeněk Konopásek: Vědci a jejich vědění: socio-logika objektivity [Scientists and their knowing: Socio-logics of objectivity]
Lecture at the interdiciplinary conference "Perspectives on science and society in the 21st century", January 15-16 2001, Nečtiny near Plzeň
theatrical performance
Jaroslav Dušek (speaking, acting, dancing, singing), Pjér Lašéz (bass, guitar, singing, speaking), Zdeněk Konopásek (drums, percussion, trumpet), Viktor Zborník (lights).
theatrical performance
Jaroslav Dušek (speaking, acting, dancing, singing), Pjér Lašéz (bass, guitar, singing, speaking), Zdeněk Konopásek (drums, percussion, trumpet), Viktor Zborník (lights).
11. 12. 2000
:::: Zdeněk Konopásek: Objektivita a hermeneutika: spory o vědu a vědeckost [Objectivity and hermeneutics: Controversies over science and scientificity]
Lecture within the series of Monday CTS seminars (seminar room, Husova 4, Praha 1)
7. 12. 2000
:::: Zdeněk Konopásek: Jak byl komunismus možný? O malých a obyčejných zdrojích velké a neobyčejné moci [How was communism possible? About small and ordinary sources of a strong and extraordinary power]
Lecture within the series of Thursday CTS seminars (10pm, seminar room, Husova 4, Praha 1)
theatrical performance
Jaroslav Dušek (speaking, acting, dancing, singing), Pjér Lašéz (bass, guitar, singing, speaking), Zdeněk Konopásek (drums, percussion, trumpet), Viktor Zborník (lights).
theatrical performance
Jaroslav Dušek (speaking, acting, dancing, singing), Pjér Lašéz (bass, guitar, singing, speaking), Zdeněk Konopásek (drums, percussion, trumpet), Viktor Zborník (lights).
theatrical performance
Jaroslav Dušek (speaking, acting, dancing, singing), Pjér Lašéz (bass, guitar, singing, speaking), Zdeněk Konopásek (drums, percussion, trumpet), Viktor Zborník (lights).
18. 10. 2000
:::: Zdeněk Konopásek: Obrat k textům a láska k realitě [The textual turn and love for reality]
Presentation at the seminar of the department of cultural and social anthropology, Faculty of humanities, Western-Bohemian University in Plzen
theatrical performance
Jaroslav Dušek (speaking, acting, dancing, singing), Pjér Lašéz (bass, guitar, singing, speaking), Zdeněk Konopásek (drums, percussion, trumpet), Viktor Zborník (lights).