Veškerá moje účast na veřejných akcích, zpětně i do budoucna (kam až vidím): přednášky, účast na konferencích a seminářích, koncerty, představení, turnaje v petanque... tedy sociologie, hudba i další věci.
14. 1. 2006
:::: Zdeněk Konopásek: What is often left out of science's promises: on the ethical dimension of nano-technologies
Vystoupení na mezinárodním workshopu Promises of science (řada setkání Science, or else), Villa Lanna, Praha, 14.-15. ledna 2006
Nanotechnology is a privileged and promising field of contemporary research. What seemed to be a science-fiction in Drexler’s book Engines of creation published in 1986 is becoming, at least in part, a matter of serious scientific debates. It is generally accepted that nanotechnologies are going to profoundly change our world and, indeed, ourselves. Applications in medicine and environmental politics are emphasised as examples of improvements brought about by this research field. Promises that are articulated by promoters of “nano” are relatively widely debated. But what about those issues implied by nanotechnologies, but usually not included in explicitly stated promises? What about hidden or under-articulated parts of nano-sciences? Besides potential risks associated with “nano”, there is an important ethical dimension (reaching far beyond the usual issues of scientific ethics) to be discussed. I will briefly sketch specificities of these ethical issues as well as their current reflections in the politics of nano-related research.
12. 1. 2006
:::: Kvartet dr. Konopného Nad Viktorkou (Praha)
Koncert v hospodě Nad Viktorkou (Bořivojova, Praha 3 - Žižkov)
28. 11. 2005
:::: Kvartet dr. Konopného Nad Viktorkou (Praha)
Koncert v hospodě Nad Viktorkou (Bořivojova, Praha 3 - Žižkov)
25. 11. 2005
:::: Vizita: Chomutov
divadelní představení
Jaroslav Dušek (slova, pohyby, tanec, zpěv), Pjér Lašéz (baskytara, kytara, zpěv, slova), Zdeněk Konopásek (bicí nástroje, trubka), Viktor Zborník (světla).
23. 11. 2005
:::: Zdeněk Konopásek: Nikdy jsme nebyli moderní Bruno Latoura
Přednáška v rámci cyklu Klíčové texty pro sociální antropologii, katedra antropologie FHS UK
11. 11. 2005
:::: Kvartet dr. Konopného (klub Barák, Kostelec nad Černými Lesy)
Koncert v hudebním klubu Barák, Kostelec nad Černými Lesy
21. 10. 2005
:::: Zdeněk Konopásek: Identity work in an environmental controversy
Vystoupení na 5. mezinárodní konferenci k tématu Conflict in identities, identities in conflict, FSS MU v Brně
When participating in environmental controversies, social actors engage not only in arguing, but also in various forms of “identity work”. By articulating the subject of a controversy, they often imply definitions of themselves and of their opponents. Examples from my recent empirical work suggest that flexibility, mutability and multiplicity of these identities are an important resource for conflict resolution. Although this may sound as a typically abstract academic view of the problem I will discuss its practical political relevance.
16. 10. 2005
:::: Zátory v Malostranské besedě (Praha)
divadelní představení
Plán Velkého Rovnátkáře: Jaroslav Dušek (slova, pohyby, tanec, zpěv), Pjér Lašéz (baskytara, kytara, zpěv, slova), Zdeněk Konopásek (bicí nástroje, trubka), Viktor Zborník (světla).
22. 9. 2005
:::: Kvartet dr. Konopného Nad Viktorkou (Praha)
Koncert v hospodě Nad Viktorkou (Bořivojova, Praha 3 - Žižkov)
7. 8. 2005
:::: Zdeněk Konopásek: Exploring ordinary resources of an extraordinary power: Toward „ethnomethodological“ study of the communist regime
Understanding the communist past of Central and Eastern European countries is a persisting task even today, 15 years after the fall of the iron curtain. Dominant political discourses, media images and legal documents push through the following idea of communism: it was something, which originated in a few extra-ordinary, single and far-reaching events (such as violent turnovers, revolutions, military interventions, and colossal intellectual failures); which was based and dependent on a totally controlled and clearly located, centralized power (e.g., the power of a Central Committee of the Communist Party); and which is essentially incommensurable with other political/social regimes (i.e., with democracies in the West and with the new democratic regimes in the region). This tendency is particularly strong if the issue of communism is addressed explicitly and on a general level. At many other occasions, however, when we focus upon situated and practically oriented actions of different social actors, both in the present and in the past, the picture looks different and more complicated. A space for ethnomethodologically inspired study of the communist regime opens up and ordinary resources of the extraordinary power become visible. To show the charm and relevance of such an approach, very much neglected in this field of research, I will use an example of a study undertaken together with my colleague Zuzana Kusá from Bratislava: we have chosen the example of political screenings in former Czechoslovakia to demonstrate the local production of power relations that constituted the reality of the political regime. The analysis of detailed narrative accounts of events that happened in early 1970s suggests that an inverted, non-totalitarian theoretical interpretation of communism is feasible, which better corresponds to the lived, practical experience of involved actors: the power of communists was made real and durable not so much by means of total control, unconditional subsumption and clear-cut categorizations, but rather by means of flexible and subtle identity-work and of partial connections.
22. 7. 2005
:::: Zátory (Rankovice)
Vystoupení kapely na druhém ročníku podzemního festivalu Rankovice 2005
Spolu se Sketa Fotr, Stolní společnost, Děti deště, BFLMPSVZ, Karlem Vepřekem, Fish Flesh Field and Henry Dollar, Sylvií Krobovou a La Bouche atd.
29. 6. 2005
:::: Zátory: koncert v sámošce (Praha)
Vystoupení kapely v novém klubu Metropolis (Donatellova 2001, Praha 10, Strašnice)
13. 6. 2005
:::: Kvartet dr. Konopného Nad Viktorkou (Praha)
Koncert v hospodě Nad Viktorkou (Bořivojova, Praha 3 - Žižkov)
2. 6. 2005
:::: Kvartet dr. Konopného (Café Na půl cesty, Praha)
Koncert v Café Na půl cesty, Centrální park Pankrác, Praha 4 (mezi ulicemi Milevská a Pujmanové)