:::: Dvouletá fáma [Two-year rumour] (II.)
Reincarnation of the former new wave band: Radomil Uhlíř - vocals; Martin Vik - guitar, keyboards; Zdeněk Konopásek - drums; Josef F. Matoušek (Ferda) - bass (in 1989).
Alternative rock band established already in 1980s, but renewed a few years later with different lineup. The style was wilder and darker - written songs were injected with improvised passages. In early 1990s the band transformed into a loosely linked group of musicians entitled Kvartet Dr. Konopného [Dr. Konopny Quartet].
:::: Dvouletá fáma [Two-year rumour] (I.)
New wave band of early 80s: Jana Macháčková - vocals; Martin Vik - guitar; Ivan Benda - bass; Zdeněk Konopásek - drums, vocals.
My first band in Prague. We played concerts mainly at the legendary Chmelnice club in Prague, occasionally elsewhere. Our favorite bands of the time were, for instance, The Residents and Snakefinger, XTC, B52s, Public Image Ltd - and all this somehow melted together in our music. Several years after this lineup splitted up, in late 1980s, the band was reformed and got darker and rougher - see Dvouletá fáma II.).